2024 Meeting GSR Elections
A reminder to all meetings that GSR elections for 2024 are held in December and many meetings try to hold this election, along with any other service position elections, in the first couple weeks of the month (before the holidays dampen attendance).
GSR stands for General Service Representative. Each meeting defines its own GSR role, but suggested responsibilities include attending their group meeting regularly, conducting business meetings, obtaining chips and newcomer packets from fulfillment@cmachicago.org, reading aloud Chicago Intergroup news at their meeting, and representing their group at monthly Intergroup meetings held the second Tuesday of each month via zoom at 8:30 pm.
The date for the election should be announced at least 1 week before the election is held so plan now and encourage meeting members with a suggested 1 year of continuous sobriety to consider running to be a 2024 GSR!!
Service work is an important part of how we carry the message and make the spiritual program of recovery available to those who may seek it! If you wish to know more about GSRs, Intergroup, or other service positions within the CMAChicago fellowship please select the button below.