Registration Opens for CMA Chicago Spring Retreat March 22-24

Registration is now open for the 2024 CMA Chicago Spring Break Retreat, returning to Villa Desiderata on Friday, March 22nd through Sunday, March 24th.

The three-day weekend will include daily 12-step meetings, recovery workshops, and plenty of fun recreational and social activities in a beautiful lakeside setting. The location at Villa Desiderata in McHenry, Illinois, is about an hour northwest of downtown Chicago or an hour due south of Milwaukee.

The retreat begins at 6 pm with room assignments for arriving guests, followed by a 7 pm pizza party, and 8a program from 8 - 10 pm. Saturday program includes three workshops, and begins with morning meditation, a run or yoga, and ends with an evening event.

The historic retreat center at Villa Desiderata includes seven acres of shoreline wooded property and dormitory-style rooms. Registration is $165, including meals and accommodations at the retreat center. Program details are now posted at


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