Donate to Support SoberPoz Retreat Scholarships
This summer’s SoberPoz Retreat, Pozitively Fabulous, runs July 20-23, 2023 at LaSalle Manor in Plano, IL. Help underwrite expenses and raise scholarships for those in need at
Donations allow the SoberPoz organizing committee to provide $100 scholarships to assure as many addicts as possible are able to attend. Donations also improve the quality of workshops, and defray costs of speaker travel and expenses.
Registration is now open for Pozitively Fabulous, and a preliminary agenda has been posted.
SoberPoz is an inclusive community of Sober and HIV/AIDS positive people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and straight. It shares experience, strength and hope with attendees at an annual, so they may live fulfilling, healthy positive lives free from active alcoholism and addiction. Attendees come from 12-step recovery programs of all types.
Pozitively Fabulous is a retreat specifically created and attended by the SoberPoz Community. The retreat is a 4-day / 3-night event with a variety of planned activities developed to strengthen the sense of community and support through workshops, speakers, 12-step meetings, fellowship, discussion groups, campfires, and leisure time.