CMA Fall Retreat Moves to Racine, WI Nov. 16-19

CMA Chicago Fall Retreat, the 20th anniversary of the event, will take place Thursday Nov. 16 through Sunday Nov. 19 at The DeKoven Center in Racine, WI.

The CMA retreat is specifically created and attended by the CMA Community. The retreat is a 4-day / 3-night event with a variety of planned activities developed to strengthen the sense of community and support through workshops, speakers, 12-step meetings, fellowship, discussion groups, campfires, and leisure time.

CMA Chicago Fall 2023

Set along Lake Michigan’s bluffs in Racine, The DeKoven Center’s 11-acre campus is a unique setting offering nationally-recognized architectural treasures, gorgeous gardens, serene wooded areas and distinctive spaces — said to be ideal for everything personal reflection and community celebration.

The registration fee of $300 covers room & board, meals and workshops. Registration closes November 5, 2023. CMA Members are encouraged to donate to make the retreat available to as many addicts as possible. Scholarships of $100 are available through the registration process.

CMA retreats happen twice a year. The CMA Spring Retreat was a big success, with more than 40 attending at Villa Desiderata, a historic lakeside campus in McHenry, IL That site has been the traditional location for the retreats, but was unavailable during the November dates.


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